Class II Study Materials

Courtesy ePathshala




Chapter PDFAudioVideoWorksheetSolutions
1.ऊँट चलाPlayPlayPDFPDF
2.भालू ने खेली फुटबॉलPlayPlayPDFPDF
3.म्याऊँ, म्याऊँ !!PlayPlayPDFPDF
4.अधिक बलवान कौन?PlayPlayPDFPDF
5.दोस्त की मददPlayPlayPDFPDF
6.बहुत हुआPlayPlayPDFPDF
7.मेरी किताबPlayPlayPDFPDF
8.तितली और कलीPlayPlayPDFPDF
10.मीठी सारंगीPlayPlayPDFPDF
11.टेसू राजा बीच बाजारPlayPlayPDFPDF
12.बस के नीचे बाघPlayPlayPDFPDF
13.सूरज जल्दी आना जीPlayPlayPDFPDF
14.नटखट चूहाPlayPlayPDFPDF
ChapterAudio LessonVideo LessonPPTsWorksheetSolutions
1: 1. First Day at School1: 2. Haldi’s AdventurePoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
2: 1. I am Lucky!2: 2. I WantPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
3: 1. A Smile3: 2. The Wind and the SunPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
4: 1. Rain4: 2. Storm in the GardenPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
5: 1. Zoo Manners5: 2. Funny BunnyPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
6: 1. Mr. Nobody6: 2. Curlylocks and the Three BearsPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
7: 1. On My Blackboard I can Draw7: 2. Make it ShorterPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
8: 1. I am the Music Man8: 2. The Mumbai MusiciansPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
9: 1. Granny Granny Please Comb my Hair9: 2. The Magic Porridge PotPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
Chapter PDFVideo LessonPPTsWorksheetSolutions
1….What is Long, What is Round?PlayPPTPDFPDF
2.Counting in GroupsPlayPPTPDFPDF
3..How Much Can You Carry?PlayPPTPDFPDF
4.Counting in TensPlayPPTPDFPDF
7.Jugs and MugsPlayPPTPDFPDF
8.Tens and OnesPlayPPTPDFPDF
9.My FundayPlayPPTPDFPDF
10.Add our PointsPlayPPTPDFPDF
11.Lines and LinesNAPPTPDFPDF
12.Give and TakePlayPPTPDFPDF
13.The Longest StepPlayPPTPDFPDF
14.Birds Come, Birds GoPlayPPTPDFPDF