Class V Study Materials

Courtesy ePathshala





Chapter PDFAudioVideoWork SheetSolutions
1.राख की रस्सी (लोककथा)PlayPlayPDFPDF
2.फसलों के त्योहार (लेख)PlayPlayPDFPDF
3.खिलौनेवाला (कविता)PlayPlayPDFPDF
4.नन्हा फनकार (कहानी)PlayPlayPDFPDF
5.जहाँ चाह वहाँ राह (लेख)PlayPlayPDFPDF
6.चिट्ठी का सफ़र (लेख)PlayPlayPDFPDF
7.डाकिए की कहानी, कुँवरसिंह की जुबानी (भेंटवार्ता)PlayPlayPDFPDF
8.वे दिन भी क्या दिन थे (विज्ञान कथा)PlayPlayPDFPDF
9.एक माँ की बेबसी (कविता)PlayPlayPDFPDF
10.एक दिन की बादशाहत (कहानी)PlayPlayPDFPDF
11.चावल की रोटियाँ (नाटक)PlayPlayPDFPDF
12.गुरु और चेला (कविता)PlayPlayPDFPDF
13.स्वामी की दादी (कहानी)PlayPlayPDFPDF
14.बाघ आया उस रात (कविता)PlayPlayPDFPDF
15.बिशन की दिलेरी (कहानी)PlayPlayPDFPDF
16.पानी रे पानी (लेख)PlayPlayPDFPDF
17.छोटी-सी हमारी नदी (कविता)PlayPlayPDFPDF
Chapter PDFAudioVideoPPTsWork SheetSolutions
1: 1. Ice-cream Man1: 2. Wonderful Waste!Poem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
 2: 1. Teamwork 2: 2. Flying TogetherPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
 3: 1. My Shadow 3: 2. Robinson CrusoeDiscovers a footprintPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
 4: 1. Crying 4: 2. My Elder BrotherPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
 5: 1. The Lazy Frog 5: 2. Rip Van WinklePoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
 6: 1. Class Discussion 6: 2. The Talkative BarberPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
 7: 1. Topsy-turvy Land 7: 2. Gulliver’s TravelsPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
 8: 1. Nobody’s Friend 8: 2. The Little BullyPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
 9: 1. Sing a Song of People 9: 2. Around the WorldPoem or StoryPlayPoem or StoryPDFPoem or Story
Chapter PDFVideoPPTsWork SheetSolutions
1.The fish TalePlayPPTPDFPDF
2.Shapes and AnglesPlayPPTPDFPDF
3.How Many Squares?PlayPPTPDFPDF
4.Parts and WholesPlayPPTPDFPDF
5.Does it Look the Same?PlayPPTPDFPDF
6.Be My Multiple, I’ll be Your FactorPlayPPTPDFPDF
7.Can You See the Pattern?PlayPPTPDFPDF
8.Mapping Your WayPlayPPTPDFPDF
9.Boxes and SketchesPlayPPTPDFPDF
10.Tenths and HundredthsPlayPPTPDFPDF
11.Area and its BoundaryPlayPPTPDFPDF
12.Smart ChartsPlayPPTPDFPDF
13.Ways to Multiply and DividePlayPPTPDFPDF
Chapter PDFVideoPPTsWork SheetSolutions
1.Super SensesPlayPPTPDFPDF
2.A Snake Charmer’s StoryPlayPPTPDFPDF
3.From Tasting to DigestingPlayPPTPDFPDF
4.Mangoes Round the YearPlayPPTPDFPDF
5.Seeds and SeedsPlayPPTPDFPDF
6.Every Drop CountsPlayPPTPDFPDF
7.Experiments with WaterPlayPPTPDFPDF
8.A Treat for MosquitoesPlayPPTPDFPDF
10.Walls Tell StoriesPlayPPTPDFPDF
11.Sunita in SpacePlayPPTPDFPDF
12.What if it Finishes…?PlayPPTPDFPDF
13.A Shelter so High!PlayPPTPDFPDF
14.When the Earth Shook!PlayPPTPDFPDF
15.Blow Hot, Blow ColdPlayPPTPDFPDF
16.Who will do this Work?PlayPPTPDFPDF
17.Across the WallPlayPPTPDFPDF
18.No Place for Us?PlayPPTPDFPDF
19.A Seed tells a Farmer’s StoryPlayPPTPDFPDF
20.Whose Forests?PlayPPTPDFPDF
21.Like Father, Like DaughterPlayPPTPDFPDF